Faith & Chai

When Are You Getting Married?

South Asian InterVarsity Season 1 Episode 7

You know that aunty that asked you this at every family gathering. Caroline and Kevin dive in to every South Asian family’s favorite cultural expectation: marriage. From arranged marriages to interracial dating, they reflect on how they navigated this season of their lives. Also, don’t miss out on a chance to cringe hearing about their worst dates during this episode’s biscuit break.
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Brought to you by South Asian InterVarsity (

Go Deeper:
ARTICLE - Seen Yet Unseen: Singleness as a South Asian Woman
by Maureen Mathew

Hosts: Caroline Lancaster (@carolinesusie) & Kevin Wilson (@crossculturechristian)

Production: Arul Karunanidhi, Kyle Lee & Alex Waters
Theme: Alex Waters

Design: Lisa Matsui & Caroline Lancaster